

 Bill Johnston and Sheila Darling have enjoyed a low profile presence in the East Anglian Acoustic Music world for more decades than they may admit to. We are active members of local folk clubs and dance sides, and have performed in public solo, as a duo and in bands. Our musical lives are mainly recreational at this time, (2024).

We are happy to be called upon to play music, for listening or for dance. We do not self promote. This web-page succeeds a page which was active for more than twenty years before the host discontinued operations, which prompted a review of our online presence, and what we want it to represent moving forwards in time.

A feature of the previous web page which received mainly positive feedback were Bill's Diary Notes which he maintained between 2003/4 and 2023, ceasing contemporaneous publication with the demise of the website. They can be found here: Diary Notes

Bill is maintaining the Diary Notes, updating about a week at a time, see below.

Bill also maintains a separate musical web presence on Facebook, the only space at present where his Tuesday Tunesday sketched tunes initially appear, along with other musical bits and bobs.  If you are not FB phobic have a look...Linked FB sites relate to the U3A Folk Music Group, Facebook , and Bill's most recent band, '3 Men in a Shed Suffolk' Facebook  and earlier barn dance band 'Instep, Facebook.

Bill was also a member of John Goodluck's 'Bards of the Heath' :  Facebook

There is a  'Folkbluesnbeyond' Youtube channel with more than a thousand videos, music or folk related. folkbluesnbeyond - YouTube

Also on Bandcamp. One upload at present, a blues tape from a time when Bill was hungry to perform. Bandcamp. Bill's 1990's Blues Archive 

Always willing, even now.

These are windows into our world.....

Weekly Diary Notes

Monday 22nd July 2024 : Sheila swam, Bill swam. Uploaded and posted 'A Concert for Our Times', started working on 'Essex Bazurka', easier on concertina than melodeon. Phil W probably giving Wednesday Mariners session a go this week. Bill waiting on feedback, has not appealed to date.

Sunday 21st July 2024: Bill popped in on Ashley, Nat and Jasmine. Sheila tidying around radiators in preparation for major works.Bill knoodled on TT tune and finished posting Sheringham videos to YT and FB, trimmed hedge, and started processing 'A Concert for Our Times', (see 16th below). Phil W in touch asking about local sessions, looking to sit at the back and relax, eh!

Saturday 20th July 2024: Sheila gym, (inc fire drill), Bill recordede and posted recently learnt 'Stagger Lee'. Sheila to Old Hall 50th celebration with Pretty Grim, Bill to Crowfield fete with East Suffolk Morris.

Friday 19th July 2024: Sheila out for lunch with friends, Bill swam, sorted some videos etc.

Thursday 18th July 2024: Sheila's swim cancelled, technical fault at (posh) centre. To Tai Chi in Woodbridge, working on her van. Bill processed part one of last night's video and shared to the sides. Mowed the lawn. Knoodled on TT tune, ('Staines Morris', not very diatonic friendly). Found Ron R's Durham Clog Waltz tune, (Elsie's Waltz by Archie Wragg). Learnt to play 'Stagger Lee' on slide guitar, now just to learn the words.

Wednesday 17th Kuly 2024: Sheila massage, Bill swim. Mike Barclay Day: when three sides that benefited from Mike's dance expertise get together to celebrate his life in dance, on this occasion two years on from his death. Hoxne Morris, Old School Rapper and East Suffolk Morris Men shared an evening of dance. Regrettable not followed by a tune and song session which was excellent last year. Also a particular part of Bill's personal dance history as Mike and Diana joined Wolsey Folk when they settled in the area, moving on to found Hoxne Hundred dance group a couple of years later. Hoxne used to have a wide repertoire which has since whittled down or splintered into other groups. Interesting to hear that the Grundisburgh Dance Club are looking forward to Mick R's return as a musician, struggling a bit with Phil W's approach and pace!. Good to bump into Pam S, (walking her dog), and who was unaware of the music and dance in here vicinity, must send a note next time. She and Jed would have come along.

Tuesday 16th July 2024: Sheila swam. Bill had a wander in town, picked up a 2001 CD, 'A Concert for Troubled Times', a recording of an event organised by Maggie M in response to 9.11, and including friends and familiar faces. Probably worth a local YT posting. We managed to sort Sheila's Monitor and computers out, one of the new leads wasn't connecting, put the old one back and bingo! Holly popped in for a cuppa in between her other commitments. Little Bentley Bluegrass. Very enjoyable until dynamics changed after a couple of hours and collaboration and listening gave way tosome competitiveness and a disregard for session etiquette. Time to leave.

Monday 15th July 2024: Sheila gym and taking van to have windows re-sealed. Bill to Cambridge with Holly where we attended her graduation ceremony, an excellent day out finishing with a meal at the Giggling Squid, a Thai restaurant opposite Cambridge Corn Exchange. Bill interested in the 'conversion' of the Corn Exchange for recreational use, when compared with the Ipswich conversion of a similar building which feels significantly superior from a 'user's point of view, (Bill was hands on in a very small way in the Ipswich project, working for a QS firm).

Sunday 14th July 2024. Packed up. Jez Lowe.greatest hits and more. Patrons concert.:Boo Hewardine, Finn Napier , Brooks Williams, Vera Van Heeringen. Brought their own sound engineer, so sound excellent, content a somewhat ego driven song swap, curate's egg, save for Vera and Brooks old time covers.

We popped in on Stumpy Oak's ceilidh, Sheila is friends with fiddlers Terry and Erin. Fine players, but constrained by the contaxt. Stomp box was unnecessary. Calling was a bit ? Patronising. Some prefer that style.

Elly Tree, the artist formerly known as Helen Woodbridge won the songwriting competition and bagged  a 30 minute mainstage spot. Used to be a regular at Ipswich Folk club in the Rose and Crown days, a few decades ago but now repurposed for local pub gigs and open mic's. Smooth but has had years of preparation to fall back on . The songs stand up to the rest of the afternoon, whatever that says. A bit shouty but twas ever thus.

The Fugitives, an excellent longstanding band from  Vancouver stole Sunday evening's show. A wide range of material, and mastery of various combinations of sound reinforcement was a contributing factor. One to explore.

Eddi Reader. We stayed for her set. A diva. No setlist . A  band of A+ musicians. Sheila bopped.

Home by eleven. 

Saturday 13th July 2024: A grey morning. Fingers crossed. We went to Ely for a wander. Caught the procession. Visited the cathedral , worthwhile.

 Back, Simmonds Cohen, acoustic duo , cameo by Hannah Sanders. Excellent musicians, confirming the bias that American players learn to play and sing before venturing to market their wares , unlike UK performers who adopt the contrary approach. Shackleton Trio. Enjoyable, almost interchangeable in approach with Alden Patterson, just as well they paired up. The open air mainstage doesn't work, particularly in stormy weather. The sound is clearer and louder from our van on the campsite than sitting in the audience. Ps from Friday. Avoid the 'Little Punjabi Food  Company'. Great aroma and big promise which fails to deliver at all levels. John K did his 'being John Kirkpatrick' show, take me or leave me. Very good, he seemed indifferent , so why should we care. Appalling sound reinforcement. (See above). Rory McLeod with the same performance which endears him, and is entirely  forgivable. Savage and Sanders sounded better from the field than the arena. A Gregson and Collister for a new generation. Morganway, heavy metal, aspirant stadium rock, why?  Peatbog Faeries loud proud and at least 'rooted'. Best heard from the tentunless psychadelics attract.

Friday: 12th July 2024:  Happy Birthday Seth. Sheila to Max for dungaree fitting, then out to lunch. Bill recording and posting videos. To Ely Folk Festival. Set up, ( neighbour is an unimpressive singer guitarist, not yet met). Bill thinking he may have grown past his festival years. Certainly on first impression Ely Folk Festival may be on the down. Kitewing, inevitable combination of excellent musicians but no value added in live performance. Lost Hobos, a wannabe Americana/Bluegrass trio, showcased but...

Very cold. The music sounds as loud from the van. Best option. Barefoot Doctors , a very good 1970s style jazz blues group. Rather out of context, and Braebach  best heard from afar complemented by driving rain.
