

 Bill Johnston and Sheila Darling have enjoyed a low profile presence in the East Anglian Acoustic Music world for more decades than they may admit to. We are active members of local folk clubs and dance sides, and have performed in public solo, as a duo and in bands. Our musical lives are mainly recreational at this time, (2024).

We are happy to be called upon to play music, for listening or for dance. We do not self promote. This web-page succeeds a page which was active for more than twenty years before the host discontinued operations, which prompted a review of our online presence, and what we want it to represent moving forwards in time.

A feature of the previous web page which received mainly positive feedback were Bill's Diary Notes which he maintained between 2003/4 and 2023, ceasing contemporaneous publication with the demise of the website. They can be found here: Diary Notes

Bill is maintaining the Diary Notes, updating about a week at a time, see below.

Bill also maintains a separate musical web presence on Facebook, the only space at present where his Tuesday Tunesday sketched tunes initially appear, along with other musical bits and bobs.  If you are not FB phobic have a look...Linked FB sites relate to the U3A Folk Music Group, Facebook , and Bill's most recent band, '3 Men in a Shed Suffolk' Facebook  and earlier barn dance band 'Instep, Facebook.

Bill was also a member of John Goodluck's 'Bards of the Heath' :  Facebook

There is a  'Folkbluesnbeyond' Youtube channel with more than a thousand videos, music or folk related. folkbluesnbeyond - YouTube

Also on Bandcamp. One upload at present, a blues tape from a time when Bill was hungry to perform. Bandcamp. Bill's 1990's Blues Archive 

Always willing, even now.

These are windows into our world.....

Weekly Diary Notes

Wednesday 16th October 2024: Bill made Don's tribute YT video public. We watched 'Myth Country' a low key programme about Black Schuck. Not sure that we will continue with the rest of the series. Listened to a 1994 interview with Bert Jansch, of its time and in parts obvious. Mike Green Celebration of Life: A different group of folie friends joined MG enthusiasts and family to celebrate Mike's life. (Dave T had not been forewarned that three tracks on which he appears with Mike would be played during the tribute, he bore it well. He will have listened for any errors or fluffs along the way). Caught up with friends not seen in a while. Jezzer is thinking of joining the U3A folk Music Group.

Tuesday 15th October 2024: Sheila swam and had a work meeting, Bill rang Louise R for a catch up. Interesting that Mark W and PC Hilton, (both now retired , were pall bearers at Don's funeral yesterday). Posted and shared Don's tribute post with the family, (public tomorrow). Swam. Posted TT tune. Bricklayers Bluegrass Session: Bill drove out to Little Bentley for the only playing session of its type in the area, (and the only one he will travel to play in). Since the loss of Cliff and Rex the session is more narrowly focussed than it used to be, but still fun and a challenge. Bill is now on the mailing list.

Monday 14th October: Don Wallace Celebration of Life: at which Bill played Don in with his signature tune, ('Speed the Plough' and a lot of long time folk friends re-connected to celebrate Don's life. Charlotte and Nancy spoke incredibly bravely about Don and there were a couple of eulogies at the 'afterwards'.

For the sake of recording some local folk history here is bill's 'Don'nMe:

' I first met Don and Caroll at the (original) Hadleigh Folk Club which was held in the White Lion on the High Street. An excellent traditional club where Don and Caroll played from the floor.

As a member of the Wolsey Folk Dance Group I came across Don in his integral role in the Felixstowe Folk Weekend, where he presented as the Master of Ceremonies at the Folk Show and the Chorus Cup Competition for a number of years. (Some of which is preserved in vintage VHS capture from that time).

The musicians from Wolsey Folk came together as a 'ceilidh band', with Pip Sadler calling and Don on upright bass. Don was an executive at Ipswich Docks at the time, and sometimes came to the gigs straight from a long business lunch. The music was great! Quite laid back.

Wolsey Folk ended and I joined East Suffolk Morris Men, where Don was one of the core musicians, wielding a (very heavy, very loud), three row, three voice melodeon.

The Wolsey Ceilidh Band took a break for a few months and Don turned up at the door to 'sheepishly' own that he had started another band and wouldn't be carrying on with 'Wolsey'. He referred me to the Last Resort Ceilidh Band with whom he had been playing for a few months. I was auditioned, (I never knew whether I passed), and played on trial with that band for a couple of decades.

Don's Band was 'Speed The Plough', with Carol, Glenn Relf on drums, and Crawford Mair with whom I alternated , and sometimes shared duties on guitar. I still have the tunebook on a shelf at home. Don and Caroll went to the Sidmouth Festival and brough back some sets from the sessions there, as well as borrowing from the Wolsey Band and adding their own favourites.'

Contact since those days has been maintained but intermittent. Don's 80th Birthday Party included a a massed 'Speed the Plough.

Sheila: fiddle workshop online. Bill
ESMM practice, Bill danced most of the evening due to shortage of men, (after the cries of commitment emanating from last week's well attended AGM. Good to see Mike S and his fiddle, not enough playing to keep him happy, not enough men to keep the dancing flowing.

Sunday 13th October: 

Saturday 12th October 2024: Ashley and Jasmine came round for an hour or so. Wolsey Orchestra: Autumn Concert: a populist programme including Star Wars Suite, Blue Danube, Planets. Packed with pre-teens and adolescents. Holly was there, Bill had a quick catch up with Steve M. (six months out from heart surgery, light duties)

Friday 11th October 2024: Sheila: Yoga and foot massage,collected new printer. Bill: swam, prepped a couple of TT sketches. David Delarre is apparently a 'lurker' on the TT page and has posted a jazz guitar version of Scan Tester's Country Step Dance, (with tab).

Thursday 10th October 2024: Sheila visited a friend and to Tai Chi, Bill had a wander in Felixstowe, picked up an A.L Lloyd double ballad CD in a charity shop. Listened to Mike Norris' Classic Folk. Posted 'Songs and Stories' from a Sussex Pub' to YT, from the days when 'trad' musicians/singers and storytellers could still be found. Angel session : Sheila opted out. Andy drove. A good evening, we played a lot of tunes. Some well, some less so but a real exercise in pulling melodies from the recesses at times. Mike S hopes to come to ESMM on Monday, primarily to play but....
